Art Expression Workshops
Facilitated expressive art processes ranging from expressive line drawing to using prompts such as poems, myths, songs, guided visualisation, mind maps and life cycles in order to provoke a creative response. For groups of teens, adults, children or a mixed group or individuals.

Process difficult thoughts and feelings
Catharsis process: providing relief from strong or repressed emotions
Connectiveness: Social interaction and social support; interacting in positive helpful ways
Universality: reducing isolation
Instilling hope through a supportive group; sharing experiences and problem solving
Encourage new ways of seeing
Gain purpose and meaning
Self awareness and the ability to be reflective
Altruism: giving help as well as receiving it
Reduce overwhelm and stress
Promote goal setting, creativity and problem solving
Access transpersonal resources: realise strengths and values
Have fun and learn techniques through exploration.

I look forward to working within a group setting to share the benefits of art therapy through art expression workshops. The creative processes and visualisation meditations allow participants access and support to their unconscious thoughts to help them understand themselves by way of seeing though a new lens. TAT also helps people to access alternative healing resources and coping strategies.
I can also offer one-on-one art therapy to all individuals